Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Has Sprung/3 Months

This post needs two titles. Because thats what a Bad Blogger (ahem, me) does in a rushed attempt to catch up. So, daylight savings time ~ not really a fan. Yup, I love the extra hours of sunlight in the evening, and the fact that with it brings more walks in the park, picnics, and somehow compels everyone to leave their house and congregate in the street. So many of us hibernate in the winter, but now the kids are back in the streets and having just spent a good portion of the evening outside catching up with neighbors, it feels pretty good. What I don't love? How this time change can rattle me, leaving me feeling depleted and exhausted. Monday started off rough. Both Ella and I felt exhausted, over just one. silly. hour. Today was much better though and both she and I seemed to be back to our old smiley selves.

And speaking of Ella, because that's who I really want to write about and who some of you prefer to hear about :), today was her 3 month birthday! Looking back at the pictures and video from the day she was born, it's just amazing how much she has changed in such little time. I can say that before coming a mom, everyone said that there was this "amazing, unfathomable love" that you have with a child. While I certainly believed them all, I don't think you can really understand it truly and the depth of the love until becoming a parent yourself. Every day I look at this amazing person that I am lucky enough to call my daughter and just fall in love with her more and more. Not that it's hard. I mean, who wouldn't love a smiling, cooing, ball of love to cuddle and dote on all day? It's amazing how hours can go by and what have I accomplished? Nothing, besides enjoying the priceless minutes, or hours, spent with my "love bug."

So, a quick recap on all things Ella at three months old:

} Her favorite song to this day, still continues to be Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. We have some pretty "hot" (as I watch Randy Jackson) renditions, harmonies and mixes going on here.

} She loves to examine and turn over her hands, lacing her fingers together, and just point blank stare.

} I'm pretty sure she smilies more than not!

} While she first rolled over at 6 weeks from her back to her stomach, she has finally continued to do this on a more regular, daily basis. She loves rolling from side to side as well, especially during "nakie time."

} She loves watching Sadie and finally gave her a smile about two weeks ago.

} Her favorite toy is her beloved Whoozit, who she also smiles at and blissfully looks at each night to put herself to sleep in her crib.

} Has great head and neck control when on stomach, as well when "sitting" up.

} She recently started to hold rattles and teethers for several minutes at a time, as well as grabs on to toys hanging from her playmat.

} Likes to be read to, and seems to really enjoy looking at the pictures. Well, most nights :)

} Professional drooler and bubble-blower.

} Likes to coo and "talk" to her mom and dad.

} Best of all? Lately she has been sleeping from about 8 pm - 5 am on good nights. Although, I'll admit that when we finally go to bed, I sheepishly tell Justin that I miss her. Am I crazy enough to have forgotten those sleepless nights?

And with the beeping of the oven telling me that my dark chocolate brownies are done, goodnight. And let's hope that my next update isn't two months from now. I'm pledging to become a better "bad blogger."