Friday, July 16, 2010

7 Months

It's hard to believe that we're more than halfway through July, but even harder to believe that Ella turned seven months old last Friday! Seven months in the span of a lifetime isn't long or overly monumental... except when it is the first seven months of a new life. When I think about the past year and a half of our lives I think of the excited anticipation we felt as we waited for her arrival (a tad late I might add), all of the preparations from picking out the perfect fabric for her curtains to the pain-staking detail it took to get the tree mural just right, and even all of the worry we experienced last fall. All of the time and energy spent on one moment in time when our lives would change for the better. Fast-forward seven months from that moment and I find myself at the end of another week, filled with more milestones and even some new challenges. While I've always been happy throughout the various stages that I've experienced in life, I must say that becoming a mom has by far been the most rewarding and sweetest yet.

While today was just another "[extra]ordinary day", it was filled with lots of fun things ~ starting with the morning, which continues to be one of my favorite times. Ella's waking time has slowly and surely been getting earlier and earlier - and it was early to begin with. What used to be 6:45 on a good day is now turning in to 6:30, 6:15 and now even 6:00 am somedays. While I'm secretly jealous of those mom's whose babes snooze in until at least 7 - even 8! - one of my favorite parts of the day is seeing Ella first-thing in the morning. And lately, I've been spoiled with not even needing to leave my own bed to experience the first joy of the day. Justin, about ready to leave for work, brings Ella into our room. She immediately goes into a frenzy of excited kicks, squirming, smiling and reaching out. And while we may be up a few minutes later, snuggling ranks at the top of my list on ways to start your day off. :)

The rest of the day included a play-date with Jodi and her kids (where Ella will be spending her afternoons while I'm teaching) and a special visit from Auntie Cara filled with lots of squeezes, but most importantly... fudge brownies topped with peanut butter ice cream. Ella and I may have even sneaked in a quick snooze to top off a pretty perfect day.

Here is what Ella's up to at 7 months:
  • Nursing full-time and doing great! This is something that, looking back to the beginning and the hurdles we first faced as well as keeping up with it while working full time, I'm pretty excited about!
  • We recently added apples and peaches to her list of solids, and next up will be her first green veggie - peas! Now we're at rice cereal oatmeal, sweet potatoes, carrots, banana, avocado, apples, and peaches.
  • Sleeping through the night from 8pm until 6isham, although the past few nights she has had a few spells of sitting up and crying. I don't think she has worked out how to get back laying down when half asleep.
  • Still no teeth, although we're seeing some white under her gums and based on some behaviors, I wouldn't be surprised to see one any day now. She is quite happy to chew away on her fingers, ours, or her teethers.
  • Crawling is going well and she has certainly increased her speed! She crawls to explore areas, to go to toys she wants, or comes when you call her name.
  • Found the steps going up and was able to pull herself up onto the landing.
  • Loves to crawl after Neko and is quite fascinated with Sadie's paws.
  • Pulls self to standing position when holding on to your hands and pulls self up in her tub - with no help, although with plenty of worry from mommy!
  • Babbles and has a variety of conversational sounds, with the newest and most frequent being an "eh, eh?" She has added lots of expression and intonation to her babbles.

... As I finish this post a week later (because sometimes life just gets in the way) she has already accomplished a few more feats, including the sippy cup and coming to realize that peas aren't so bad after all.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Food, Inc.

After months of finally wanting to watch Food, Inc., we got down to business and did. However, life with a crawling six month old (almost 7!) means that 1) we hardly ever watch tv or movies anymore, and 2) its definitely well after Ella is asleep and all of the things that we didn't get to throughout the day are done. So, it was watched in small spurts over the course of a few days. Which, might I add, I think is best. It gave me time to get over my horror of small chicks being sent down conveyor belts or closed-in chicken houses and really process the things that I never knew about what we eat. Thankfully, I had watched a mere 9 minutes before heading to the grocery store. That was plenty for me to pick up the "cage free, antibiotic and hormone-free eggs" as well as the organic, vegetable-fed chicken. Yes, I did spend $3.29 on a dozen of brown eggs versus the $1.79 on regular grade-A (I'd give them an F!) white eggs. But, it gives me a little more peace of mind knowing that hopefully I'm making a better choice for us. This won't be to say that I'll never eat non-organic meat or eggs again. I know I will and that will be ok. But at least I can control what we cook with when we eat at home.

It's amazing to think that the fast-food concept and McDonald's alone created much of the way that food production is done today. While I'm not usually a fan of fast-food burgers anyway (unless apparently in the early weeks of pregnancy where I drove out of my way - or just left the house to find them!), I've eaten my share, knowing that the ingredients weren't ideal. But, I never stopped to think about large-scale feedlots and the conditions the animals were kept with, or the fact that ammonia is used to wash beef down. That can't be safe, can it? It also appears to be true that a few hands continue to hold the power in both Washington and in the big company names, thus making it very hard for more rigid policies to be put in place in order to help make our foods safer. I will say that I was impressed by Walmart wanting to sell organic foods, despite the cost increase. While they are doing it purely from a profitable standpoint, at least organic foods are becoming more available.

All said and done, I finished this documentary feeling much more informed. While I often feel that I alone can't make change, it is true that eventually if many, many people changed their eating and buying habits, then the farming industry (who are unfortunately pushed by big-ticket companies such as Tyson and Purdue whether they like it or not) will also change.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Aunt Carole's Blueberry Pie

Thursday we met Richard and picked up 40lbs. of fresh blueberries to be split between ourselves, mom, and Cara. Similar to our strawberry adventure in June (although only 20lbs), we now have lots and lots of blueberries. Which only means one thing. Time to bake pie! Justin and I both love dessert in general, although he is more of the pie-guy and I'm the eat-anything-that-resembles-chocolate gal. (So yes, I do love a good chocolate pie!) Anyway, I do love my mom's blueberry pie. When I asked her for the recipe, I actually learned that it was my Aunt Carole's recipe, which comes at no suprise. I have so many fond memories of my Aunt Carole, even though I was so young when my time was spent with her. I remember telling her that she was my second favorite person in the whole world, after mom of course. There is even a certain scent that, to this day, I still associate with her: the shrub in front of their brick house by the front steps. In fact, it had been years since I smelled that certain shrub. Then, on a tour at Hood, there it was, right outside of Smith Hall. It brought back lots of memories and while I may only catch a scent of it once or twice a year, it always brings a smile to my face as I think of her.

Well, two pies are made and I can't wait to have some tonight and to take some with us tomorrow when we visit Charis & Tim. Would it be appropriate to say that this recipe is as easy as pie? :)

Aunt Carole's Blueberry Pie

Homemade or Frozen Pie Shell, baked
4 c. blueberries washed and drained
1/2 c. water
1 c. sugar
3 T corn starch
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1 T butter

Bake pie shell according to directions and let cool. Place 2 cups of blueberries in pie shell. On stove, mix together remaining blueberries, water, sugar and corn starch. Cook on medium-high until thick and bubbly. Remove from heat and add cinnamon and butter, stirring. Let cool. Pour over blueberries and refrigerate.


Friday, July 9, 2010

A Visit with the Partridge Family!

Today I had the pleasure of visiting my college friend, Julie, and her husband, Opie, as well as (more importantly!) getting to meet their new bundle of joy, Jakob. It is amazing how 6 months time will make you forget how small and fragile, yet resilient, a newborn is. I was able to hold Jakob for quite some time, and enjoyed the sweet reminders of all things newborn: the small and frequent yawns, the little grunts that seem to come from deep inside, the little stretches in between spurts of sleep. He was so precious and I am so happy for Julie and Opie. Julie is a natural mama - and looking beautiful too despite the long nights and lack of sleep!

Watching Ella crawl around Jules' living room while I held Jakob really showed me how fast time goes. On one hand I feel like our journey as parents just started ... however, I really can't remember not having her with us and it feels like we've always been this happy family of three. Jakob was born just a few ounces heavier than Ella and the same length, yet how quickly I forgot how itty-bitty a newborn seems. I suppose when you spend each minute, hour and day with your child, the present is truly the present and you don't realize how much they are changing. Regardless, it was neat seeing the two together and realizing that the amount of development that occurs over 6 short months is just amazing!

So I end this post with many sweet memories of my own Ella Bella when she was as young and as small as Jakob is. My one advice to Jules? Write everything down! While I haven't forgotten all the details of the past 6 months yet, I can already see that with each day bringing new discoveries and challenges, there will surely be a lot to remember.

Ella & I with Julie & Jakob

A glowing new mama!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I am happy to proclaim that nothing has changed in my status as a blogger, being that I'm clocking back in more than three months since my last post. Part of me finds it frustrating that no matter how hard I try, I'm just not good at this. Maybe it's a sign that blogging isn't my thing. Maybe I need to stick to a prehistoric paper and pencil journal to capture the daily happenings. I mean, really this blog is about our small little corner of the world, and more so a way to capture what Ella is up to these days. I envision pulling out a worn journal years from now (or perhaps pulling up this almost non-existent blog) to share with her the first time she crawled, her first foods, words ... you get the point. Well, thank goodness for her baby book, where at least those milestones are captured. While I will continue to give this a try, maybe I should seriously just consider the paper route and give up while I'm ahead. At least my type-A, do-it-ahead personality has a few genuine faults.

With summer break well in swing, I'm absolutely reveling in my time home with Ella. While some days I'd gladly like to sleep in, I love waking up and starting my day off with her. I can always count on a huge, gummy smile from her and the happy little grunts and coos that she uses to show her excitement. In fact, she is talking more and more, and at times I swear I might hear a babble that closely resembles "mama" (although ususally when protesting something) or little "ohs" or "mmhmm"s. This if course, are all figments of my imagination.

Ella started crawling just a few days after turning 6 months old. She had been rocking out the hand and knee pose for sometime, and before we knew it, she was off. It is amazing to sit back and watch this little 13 pound creature roam her room, deliberately seeking out a favorite toy or book and playing on her own. Or, even better, following me as we go about our day. And she seems so proud of herself, always offering her smile, tongue out and all.

We're also doing really great with solids. We're making all of our own food and we're up to banana, apples, avocado and sweet potatoes, in addition to the cereals that we had previously started. Although last week she pulled a week-long protest against just about everything, overall, she is a great eater.

This past weekend, we celebrated not only Ella's first Fourth of July, but she was also dedicated at church; we enjoyed a day spent with family and tons of good food. Ella got to meet some great aunts and uncles for the first time, as well as some cousins. It was a great day!

A quick recap of Ella's current milestones:
  • Started crawling at 6 months, 5 days and crawls to objects that she wants
  • Sits up on own from stomach
  • Still nursing great!
  • Her green froggy (given to me at my shower from Barb) has become her night-time "lovey"
  • She loves looking at framed pictures of people that we have around the house, and often laughs, giggles and wants to touch the picture
  • Fascinated by stuffed animals, carefully studying their faces - especially the eyes
  • Still loves to read books, often touches her face to the faces of people or animals in the books
  • Loves to swim! Enjoys water in general - bath time usually results in us getting wet as well
  • Loves Sadie rides. Neko has increasingly been spending time sitting next to her, although he still isn't sure about her rapid arm movements at times
  • Enjoys Babies with Books at the library
  • Is working on pulling herself up in the standing position on her own. She especially loves to do this in the tub, although mommy isn't so sure this is the safest place for her to be learning this!
  • Is fascinated by noses, and will often reach out and grab the closest one!
  • While we've been at three, not-quite-one hour naps, I think she is gradually moving to two naps a day with the afternoon one being a nice, long nap. Thank you to swim lessons for helping us along!

I sincerely hope to post again soon, but won't make too many promises. A few pictures to end with...

Ella enjoying the "cool tub" on the 4th. :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Has Sprung/3 Months

This post needs two titles. Because thats what a Bad Blogger (ahem, me) does in a rushed attempt to catch up. So, daylight savings time ~ not really a fan. Yup, I love the extra hours of sunlight in the evening, and the fact that with it brings more walks in the park, picnics, and somehow compels everyone to leave their house and congregate in the street. So many of us hibernate in the winter, but now the kids are back in the streets and having just spent a good portion of the evening outside catching up with neighbors, it feels pretty good. What I don't love? How this time change can rattle me, leaving me feeling depleted and exhausted. Monday started off rough. Both Ella and I felt exhausted, over just one. silly. hour. Today was much better though and both she and I seemed to be back to our old smiley selves.

And speaking of Ella, because that's who I really want to write about and who some of you prefer to hear about :), today was her 3 month birthday! Looking back at the pictures and video from the day she was born, it's just amazing how much she has changed in such little time. I can say that before coming a mom, everyone said that there was this "amazing, unfathomable love" that you have with a child. While I certainly believed them all, I don't think you can really understand it truly and the depth of the love until becoming a parent yourself. Every day I look at this amazing person that I am lucky enough to call my daughter and just fall in love with her more and more. Not that it's hard. I mean, who wouldn't love a smiling, cooing, ball of love to cuddle and dote on all day? It's amazing how hours can go by and what have I accomplished? Nothing, besides enjoying the priceless minutes, or hours, spent with my "love bug."

So, a quick recap on all things Ella at three months old:

} Her favorite song to this day, still continues to be Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. We have some pretty "hot" (as I watch Randy Jackson) renditions, harmonies and mixes going on here.

} She loves to examine and turn over her hands, lacing her fingers together, and just point blank stare.

} I'm pretty sure she smilies more than not!

} While she first rolled over at 6 weeks from her back to her stomach, she has finally continued to do this on a more regular, daily basis. She loves rolling from side to side as well, especially during "nakie time."

} She loves watching Sadie and finally gave her a smile about two weeks ago.

} Her favorite toy is her beloved Whoozit, who she also smiles at and blissfully looks at each night to put herself to sleep in her crib.

} Has great head and neck control when on stomach, as well when "sitting" up.

} She recently started to hold rattles and teethers for several minutes at a time, as well as grabs on to toys hanging from her playmat.

} Likes to be read to, and seems to really enjoy looking at the pictures. Well, most nights :)

} Professional drooler and bubble-blower.

} Likes to coo and "talk" to her mom and dad.

} Best of all? Lately she has been sleeping from about 8 pm - 5 am on good nights. Although, I'll admit that when we finally go to bed, I sheepishly tell Justin that I miss her. Am I crazy enough to have forgotten those sleepless nights?

And with the beeping of the oven telling me that my dark chocolate brownies are done, goodnight. And let's hope that my next update isn't two months from now. I'm pledging to become a better "bad blogger."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bad Bloggers

It's official. We're not very good at this blogging thing yet. Each night I have good intentions to post, but something comes up - not too surprising with a 4 week old in the house! Since my last post, we've been busy! We celebrated Ella's 1 month birthday with a visit from Grammie Overcash and Megan's uncle, Richard. Ella even got to Skype with Auntie Cara. More friends, Michelle and Dee, came by Sunday and we had our first "real" restaurant outing for lunch. Ella must have enjoyed the good company and food too, she did great! The next day, Grandma Cook visited. Revolving door, anyone? So we're tired - love the visitors but also love the quiet time for just the three of us here at home.

Ella has been busy growing and changing. Her latest development is that she's starting to smile in response, although you have to work for it and sometimes, it just comes down to luck. The past few nights when Daddy gets her up to eat, she gives Mommy a huge grin - totally worth being awake at 3 am! She loves to focus on our faces and is alert much more than in the past few weeks. We love seeing those beautiful blue eyes!

We also visited the pediatrician today for her 1 month checkup. Overall, she is doing great and is healthy. She weighed in at 8 lbs 1.2 oz. She is staying true to herself - while she is growing, they'd like to see her gain a little bit more weight. Sound familiar to any of my woes during pregnancy? She gained 9 oz. since our last visit, which was 20 days ago. By the books, the pediatrician would have like to see her gain an ounce a day, or 20 oz., so we did fall a little short. I'm pretty sure my milk production is good and she's been eating lots on a pretty routine schedule, so we're going to try to push it even more and we'll go for another weight check in two weeks. The doctor isn't too concerned yet, but wants to stay on top of things. Length and head circumference all checked in good. The doctor was impressed with how alert and happy Ella seemed!

Finally, Ella made her first trip to mommy's school today to meet all of her adoring (adult) fans. No kids today, so all of mommy's friends had lots of time to ooh and ahh over Ella. Although a little fussy, she seemed to love the attention and was alert and bright-eyed for most of our visit. While I miss seeing everyone, can't say that I miss the "work" part too much - but who would with a beautiful baby at home? :)